Monday, September 5, 2011

Goals for the Week of 9/5

1. Plan meals for the next 7 days

Chicken (3) Breakfast Lunch
chicken tet strawberry b'fast smoothie chilli
chicken fajitas chicken sald

Beef (1)

Pasta (1)

Veg (1)

Fish (1)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

List mgmt (10)
Q time kids (90)
Lesson prep wciv (@work)
Housework (30-45)
Weeds (5)
In car food store
Newspaper (15)
Lesson prep gov (@ work)
Clothes in box (2-3)


Thursday, August 25, 2011

think the list concept has potential.
The goal directed action GDA is a way to measure how much time was spent working on your goals. I keep thinking about my list of 30 actions and I really

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A 30 day keep your house clean task list



1. Surface clean living room and kitchen (pick up stray items, dust, sweep, vacuum)

2. Clean bathrooms (toilets, showers, floors, walls, mirrors)

3. Surface clean bedrooms (put away toys, clothes, dust)

4. Surface clean "extra" rooms (basement, office, play room)

5. Surface clean living room and kitchen

6. Clean bathrooms

7. Clean all interior windows (white vinegar and newspaper works great and is cheap!)

8. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house (don't forget stairs)

9. Surface clean bedrooms

10. Deep clean living room (mirrors, baseboards, dust artwork)

11. Clean bathrooms

12. Clean out closets (hang up clothes, mittens, jackets, hats)

13. Surface clean "extra" rooms

14. Deep clean bedrooms (organize drawers, check under bed, tidy closet, dust artwork, fans, lights, mop)

15. Surface clean living room and kitchen

16. Deep clean bathrooms (clean inside drawers, inside of trash cans, tops of mirrors, tile, mop)

17. Clean all door knobs, phones, entertainment equipment (remote controls), switch plates, banisters and other things that are repeatedly touched.

18. Clean out the refrigerator, take stock of food, organize pantry

19. Clean entryway, sweep porch (if you have one), clean out car (because they're often our home away from home)

20. Surface clean living room and kitchen

21. Surface clean bathrooms

22. Surface clean bedrooms

23. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house

24. Clean linen closet, straighten towels, sheets or regular closet if not applicable

25. Surface clean living room and kitchen

26. Deep clean kitchen (scrub appliances, wash trash cans, base boards, wipe down and straighten cabinets)

27. Surface clean bathrooms

28. Surfaces clean bedrooms

29. Clean one item you've been meaning to get to and haven't (deep clean your stove, wipe down all light fixtures, tackle a particularly unruly area)

30. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house

How to keep your hose clean in 20 minutes a day

Monday, August 22, 2011

A blogger from FLYLADY forum

I like how she posts her weekly meal plan.

Another blogger defining goals

Here is a blog, the Difference, in which a blogger in Bejing started chronicling her goals and the path she leads over the next year.

"Because it is so easy for the day to day to consume your time and the next thing you find yourself a year down the line and you wonder where the time went."
Good luck!

Goal of the Day 8/22 (9)

To plan, at least, the next 5 days worth of meals, write a shopping list, and go food shopping.

Goal of the Day 8/21 (8)

paint back wall in backroom

Saturday, August 20, 2011


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Goal of the Day 8/20 (7)

I did start taping and cutting out. Didn't follow this goal exactly, since the tape would fall off.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Step 1- Add 2X4s to the top and bottom. Need to measure this: _______.
2- I may add 1 X4s to the (4) vertical pieces (outer and middle). This will add a bit of substance to them. Since on the left side they narrow. Need to measure this.
3- I then need to add painted 1 X 2s for the screen.

Calendar hack

Why this setup works better than typed index card and Joe's Goals

+ Portable- fold and put in wallet

+Instantly Accessible- no login necessary

-Could lose- need to "back up" from time to time

+Can see a large # of routine tasks all at once

+can see my effort, progress over multiple days o multiple tasks. for ex, I've been putting toys away 3 days in a row, but I haven't been focusing on pulling unwanted items from the dining room closet. I now know where to focus.

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Goal of the Day 8/17 (4)

To spend 60 mins. adding primer, sanding, pulling tape in kitch.

I did 20+. two days in a row where I've made prog, but not hitting the goal 100%.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Goal of the Day 8/16 (3)

To paint the kitchen for at least 2 hours

(I ended up painting for 60 mins. instead of 120...first day not reaching goal 100%)

Monday, August 15, 2011


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And what should my Morning Routine look like?

-need to complete EVE routine items missed?
what else?

What if I don't complete the EVE routine?

"What is an ideal EVE Routine?

duration- 15-20 mins

rug clear (8/14)
As table clear (8/14)
cushions clear (8/14)
3 or 4 from under couch, N's chair

*how long does it take to do this?
Remember--> The more I do this, the less it takes each time to do!

table clear (8/14)
rug clear

5 fr each counter
run dishwasher
pot/pan in sink? clean it"

If you don't complete the EVE routine, you need to pick up where you left off in the morning. And get it done.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is an ideal EVE Routine?

duration- 15-20 mins

rug clear
As table clear
cushions clear
3 or 4 from under couch, N's chair

*how long does it take to do this?
Remember--> The more I do this, the less it takes each time to do!

table clear
rug clear

5 fr each counter
run dishwasher
pot/pan in sink? clean it

Goal of the Day 8/15 (2)

To paint the kitchen for 2 hours

2 days in a row!

How to do GTD weekly review w/ Gmail system

Check inbox

check gmail inbox to see what's there----projects?, reminders,, calendar items
then move down gmail left column and address items one by one

Why an index card of daily tasks works better for me than Joe's Goals

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Joe's goals requires me to log in to see my list. An index card is portable, easy to refer to all of the time. I feel like I can break down tasks into smaller, bite sized chunks when I use an index card.

Current Active Projects List (in prog)

porch project
org garage

G of the D 8/14 (1)

8/14- To paint the kitchen for 120 minutes

nice job! now I need to do a second coat.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hitting One Goal A Day for Success

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Toy tote in lr for eve return


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Sitting here @ 8.30 AM. Main priority is painting.I also would like to make progress on the porch. I really should mow the lawn, front and back. And weed.
Best way to get started?

I also have a few countdowns that are expiring tomorrow.

Goal- To paint for 20 PJ songs

did 7- 9.35 AM

Thursday, August 11, 2011


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Current Countdowns

3 days 5 hrs, as of 6.42 8/11
porch clutter
bedroom clutter
garage clutter
move peg board



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Major productivity hack. Pic w countdown timer


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Move the peg board---DONE, ON TIME!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I wonder if I can put countdown timers on the pics.
Best way to use the pics I'm uploading? These are good reminders. Maybe a weekly update.

Porch clutter

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Bedroom Clutter----DONE/ON TIME!

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